General Information
- Which service requests will be forwarded to me?
- A job opportunity comes up, however it disappears before I can quote. How is that possible?
- How long can I wait before quoting for a job opportunity?
- Can customers select a service provider before the quote submission period ends?
- Do your service providers pay tax?
- Is my price quotation binding?
Access and password
Payment and Refund
- Is the lead cost refunded?
- What happens if the customer does not pay for the job?
- How is the the lead cost calculated? Do you provide any discounts?
- Who will pay me for the job that I have accomplished?
- How do money transactions take place when I win a job?
- How much shall I pay to provide service in
User Technical Support
- No job opportunities are being received, why?
- How do I cancel the incoming SMSs or emails?
- How do I edit my registered phone number?
- How do I add my link to my website?
- What does "Add a Link" mean?
- How do I cancel my membership?